VCM Marathon 🚀🔥⛵️🚀 running racereport fitness
Great race! Dialed back gradually after 10mi with hopes of finishing strong and pulled it off, last mile same as first mile. No BQ but that’s okay, I didn’t have the gumption to send it with HR into the 170s to hold pace after half. Graph shows much slower 20-25, but that was still 8ish so that was the goal.
Brought 90g PF, 2x20g gu, 1gm LMNT. Took most of the carbs in first half, Gatorade at every stop throughout, lots of water on the head throughout. Snagged two gels at 21ish, took them both. Maple shot ~23, a couple ice pops in there too. Ice lady at 23 was out for the second lap, bummer! Mixed the salt packet into water at 23ish too. With the Gatorade and maple shot might have been over 100g/hr and that seemed good.