Javascript Vis Libraries javascript d3 programming
Overlooking building a visualization using native DOM manipulation (or jQuery, React.js), there are a whole bunch of libraries to help make visualizations. Here are just some:
- d3.js BSD
- protoviz (d3.js predecessor)
- dimple.js (d3.js wrapper)
- C3.js (d3.js wrapper)
- D3plus (d3.js wrapper)
- Metrics Graphs (d3.js wrapper)
- Epoch (d3.js wrapper)
- Vega (d3.js wrapper)
- NVD3 (d3.js wrapper)
- processing.js
- three.js (* wow, and * fallen)
- PixiJS
- BokehJS
- Highcharts
- Flot
- FusionCharts
- Plotly
- JFreeChart LGPL
- Google Charts
- Echarts (by Baidu)
- Sigma JS
- dygraphs
- and many more